Work meeting between Foreign Investors Council and the economic team of the Government

The Foreign Investors Council and the economic team of the Government, led by the Prime Minister Mr. Hristijan Mickoski, held the second joint meeting on 16.12.2024. In the presence of representatives of about 40 companies with foreign capital operating in the country, representatives of the Governm ...

Rulebook on accounting according to the new IFRS standards

We are pleased to inform you that yesterday in the Official Gazette No. 75/2024, the new Rulebook on accounting according to the new IFRS standards was published. ПРАВИЛНИК ЗА НАЧИН ВОДЕЊЕ СМЕТКОВОДСТВО Сл.весник бр.75/2024 од 3 април 2024 година – ISOS ...

The effects of the global minimum tax on the profits of companies in North Macedonia

Foreign Investors Council together with PwC North Macedonia on 28.03.2024 in the Economic Chamber of Macedonia organized a presentation on the topic "The effects of the global minimum tax on the profits of companies in North Macedonia". ...
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